Friday, February 10, 2006
About Me
- Name: Midship
- Location: VERSAILLES, Yvelines, France
Bricoleur, motard au quotidien, passionné de Bretagne, de mer, et de bateaux.
My others blogs
- Midship (english version)
- Steam launches
- Steam launches (in french)
- Steam technical
- Steam technical (in french)
- Steam projects
- Steam projects (in french)
- Dordrecht 2006
- Cappy 2006 Associations
- Abv (French steamboat association)
- Nautique Sevres
- Steam Boat Association
- North American Steam Boat Association
- Steam Boat Association of Austalia
- International Steamboat Society
- Sequana Personals websites
- Etincelle steamboat
- Courend'ère steam launch project
- Isabella steam launch project
- Eric website,steam launch Ondine
- Pascal's pictures in Baumes les dames
- Pascal's pictures in Dinan
- Etoile Arcture website
- Pinnochio website
- Steamer Chucao Website to see
- Constuction amateur
- la constuction de l'Ilur
- Lexique Anglais/Francais
- steamboats
- Windermere museum Forums
- Forum in french
- Forum in english
Previous Posts
- Last news, April 8 th
- New paint for my small boiler
- Lune Valley and Oil burner
- Test of boiler
- A V twin
- THE machine!!
- Oxbird
- The Abv's lunch in Chatou
- New pictures of Enghien les bains
- Rétronautique at Enghiens les bains