Saturday, December 30, 2006

Last news, April 8 th

New link to the steamboat Chucao in Chile, boat rebuilt by Philippe a Breton of the southern sea
This blog is the translation of my blog Chaloupes à vapeur

PS: Please be indulgent with the quality of the translation!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

New paint for my small boiler

After a good scraping, a small layer of acid phosphoric,I spread a first coat of paint high temperature

Monday, April 03, 2006

Lune Valley and Oil burner

I have received some informations of Glyn Lancaster Jones, (with who I am discussing about boiler), about his last réalisation, a boiler Lune Valley which has been fitted with the first oil burner, he has manufactured.
The integration which was delicate seems to be a success.

Here are the pictures of the first steam launch equpped with this new boiler

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Test of boiler

I finally tested my small boiler, Bruno and Patrice gave me a hand. We test it till 10 bars, some small leak on the valves and the fittings but it is ok, the pressure gauge is graduated up to 60 psi, and the safety valve starts in this range.

After the tests, I dismounted valves and fittings and the level to clean them all, while dismounting one of the tap of the water level I break in two parts! it had already been resoldered!
Jean-Yves who was resoldering the tubes of his boiler, nicely re-brazed it for me.

Once cleaned and re-painted, it will remain me to carry out an ash-pit then this boiler will be re-tested according to the Abv procedure, and it could be used on the stands to feed small machines.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

A V twin

Friday, February 10, 2006

THE machine!!

Georges and the machine, a triple, that I have found on Ebay, we are very impatient to make it turn!

Front view

The oiler

Monday, August 08, 2005


A wonderful boat:Oxbird

This superb launch, 18 ft long, is fitted with a Stuart 6A and a boiler Lune Valley with a parafin burner.
I would like that Midship looks like her.